Performing Matrix Calculations in Anaplan
Hey, there
I'm new to Anaplan and I'm exploring how to smoothly execute a matrix product within it. I have two modules: one resembling a (1,5) matrix and the other a (5,5) matrix. My goal is to perform a matrix product of the form (1,5) * (5,5) * (5,1) to derive a single number. Can this be done directly in Anaplan? If not, what would be the approach to achieve it? Thanks in advance for any assistance!
Best Answer
@Medbou29 For purpose of discussion, I will name the dimensions based on the screenshots you provided.
- Module Sou Souscription Vie has dimensions Assurance and Time Period
- Module SCR Correlation Vie has dimensions Assurance and MortaliteLongevite
If you were trying to execute a calculation like
x = 'Sou Souscription Vie'.Mortalite Vie * 'SCR Correlation Vie'.Mortalite + 'Sou Souscription Vie'.Longevite Vie * 'SCR Correlation Vie'.Longevite
I would do the following:
- Create a "SYS Constants" module. Have the following line items with format Mortalite
- Line item name: Constant Mortalite, Formula: FINDITEM(MortaliteLongevite, "Mortalite"
- Line item name: Constant Longevite, Formula: FINDITEM(MortaliteLongevite, "Longevite"
- Create a "Calculation" module with dimensions Assurance and Time Period
- Line item: Calc, Formula: 'Sou Souscription Vie'.Mortalite Vie * 'SCR Correlation Vie'.Mortalite[LOOKUP: 'SYS Constants'.Constant Mortalite] + 'Sou Souscription Vie'.Longevite Vie * 'SCR Correlation Vie'.Longevite[LOOKUP: 'SYS Constants'.Constant Longevite]
@TristanS Thanks for the reply. So i have two module one that ressembles a (1,5) Matrix and the other that ressembles a (5,5) matrix. There is a common dimension to these two modules. Is there any smooth method to perform such operation or maybe even to re-model those modules in order to achieve the wanted outcome. Thanks in advance