Sales rep monthly Commission not matching with Anaplan 'Check Your Build' numbers?

Hi All Community Members,

Despite putting a lot of thought and efforts, I am not able to figure out where am I going wrong. I have set all the Modules and formulae in place but still the numbers for the sales rep monthly commission is not matching with the Check Your Build numbers.

Please find below details of my modules I built for this

Quarterly Commission by Rep

Attainment% and Net Commission%

Quarter Apportionment & Monthly Commission Forecast

PS: All my numbers have matched so far with Anaplan Check Your Build numbers so I don't think there should be any mistake at any of the previous steps.


  • @31MB

    Could you show your blueprints of the same modules?

  • @Dikshant could you please help me here?

  • Please share the formulas. I'll give you some clues here, The commission forecast formula logic is:

    Quarter Value of Targets * Quarter Apportionment * Net Commission %

    Check if this is close to the logic that you have built.

  • @Dikshant Yes I am following the same logic. I just calculated it in two steps. First Calculated the quarterly Commission values and then multiplied it with quarterly apportionment in final module.

    See my model blueprint below

  • I can see your Commission Forecast line item in QUO08 module has Quarterly Commission * Quarter Appointment, but i don't see Net Commission %. Can you multiple Net Commission and then check?

  • hi


    i did it, :)

    fisrt of all, you should build a

    Quartly Final Account Sales Target module

    then use this data for your calculation module's target line item, you will get the correct answer
