Multiple Models on the same Page

In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds:

My admins need to be able to input a date range in model A, then run an action in model B to limit the data for their specific import into model A, then run another action in Model A to pull in the now filtered data in Model B.

I would prefer that they have this capability on a single Page instead of having to navigate to a different App/Page.

How often is this impacting your users?

Impacts my specific use case.

Who is this impacting? (ex. model builders, solution architects, partners, admins, integration experts, business/end users, executive-level business users)

business/end users

What would your ideal solution be? How would it add value to your current experience?

The general advice from is that this functionality where multiple models are linked to the same page is done with models in ALM. I find this guidance and design shortsighted.

In an overly simplified explanation - I would expect every action/process across all models to have it's own Action/Process ID. These Action/Process IDs can be the same within ALM but I would expect/hope they differ by model which is not the case today.

In an ideal world - I should be able to run actions from different models on the same page without accidentally running the wrong action in the wrong model which is what is happening today.

Please include any images to help illustrate your experience.

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