Unable to Dynamically change Line Items names

Hi all! I tried to follow the steps of this article about dynamic line item names change but I can't get it to work, so I would like some help on why it's not working.

For context: I am building a Price/Volume/Mix analysis which I gave the end user the ability to pick which versions they want to see the comparison, naming it Version to Compare vs Baseline Version (for example, Actual (Version to Compare) vs Forecast (Baseline)). In order to have a dynamic change of names in the grid with the numbers, I created a numbered list that will pull its display name according to the user version selection.

Then we get to the part that I'm struggling with: in order to build a waterfall chart to easily display the results, I had to create another module, but with the "versions" as line items and metrics as a dimension, so I would have the "Compared Version" (Actuals in this example) as a sum of all components, making it the line item summary and enabling me to use it as a subtotal in the waterfall chart. But doing that, I lost the feature of the dynamic display name of the "versions" list, so there was when I started trying to follow the steps of the forementioned article.

Following the steps of the article, I started by creating a list with the codes that I attributed to the line items in the module "OUTPUT: PVM Waterfall Chart" that is used to generate the waterfall chart.

Then I created a SYS module that will be used to import into the blueprint of the "OUTPUT: PVM Waterfall Chart" module in order to change the name of the line items based on its code. In the "Line Item Name" line item I pull the version that the user selected for "Compared" and "Baseline" and keep the names of the other list items.

Finally, when I try to import that module in the blueprint of "OUTPUT: PVM Waterfall Chart" module, mapping the "Line Item Name" as the Line Item (in order to change its name) and "PVM Line Items Codes" (the items of the list I created with the codes) as the Code, I get the following error message. My guess and correct me if I'm wrong, is that instead of renaming the line items, it's trying to create new line items and the codes are crashing since it already exists in the module.

I already tried creating a saved view only with the two line items that will actually change names (Baseline and Compared), already tried to map a column with the codes instead of mapping the list items that I created to be the codes, already changed the order of the codes in the list, but really nothing seems to work. So my questions are:

1- Is there another way to add the subtotal in the waterfall chart being any list item, instead of a summary line item or a list top level? I'm asking because if so, I can just use the module that has the "versions" as a numbered list and the names will change according to the user selection.

2- Does anyone know why the import isn't working? Any suggestions on what else to try?

3- For this option, will I need to make the "Line Items Codes" list a production list, since the end user will need to run an action using it in prod?

4- Is there any other workaround of this at all?

Big question, but just tried to give as much details as I could so everyone would understand what's going on. Thanks in advance!


  • Dikshant
    edited July 2024

    Finally, when I try to import that module in the blueprint of "OUTPUT: PVM Waterfall Chart" module, mapping the "Line Item Name" as the Line Item (in order to change its name) and "PVM Line Items Codes" (the items of the list I created with the codes) as the Code, I get the following error message. My guess and correct me if I'm wrong, is that instead of renaming the line items, it's trying to create new line items and the codes are crashing since it already exists in the module.

    My Response: You said you were importing into the blueprint of OUTPUT module ? That could be the reason import is failing. Try to Import from the grid view and check if it works.

  • @Dikshant it doesn't work to impot to the grid view because I'm not importing data, I'm just importing settings to the module (in this case the line item name). I tried to follow the steps of this article:

  • Hello Maria, I'm facing a similar issue and getting a similar error. Could you let me know if you were able to get this resolved, and how?

  • @richbhar unfortunately not, I just ended up putting a note in the dashboard for the user to know which was the "Compared Version" and the "Baseline Version", but never managed to make the dynamic line item name change :/ wonder if that works for anyone or if we're doing something wrong