More customizations on Assign action in NUX

Business end users expect to have more cusomizations on Assign action in NUX:

  1. Decide which fields should be visible while user is running Assign action (e.x. our customer's end users cosider Ancestor and code reluctant in this view; they would prefer to see Ancestor only as a filter)
  2. Change width of each field (e.x. they've got long Name field and with the default width they can't see the full Name while selecting items to be assigned, even if filters' window is closed)

3. While filtering the ancestor, would be perfect to be able to select not only the direct parent (marked green), but as well to filter by all higher levels of the hierarchy (marked red):

4. For our Customer, while using Assign action, the target list and the source list have a common ancestor (a few levels higher in the hierarchies, not direct parent of both lists). They would like to have it always by default prefiltered to this common ancestor. It would be awsome if possible to make it a fixed setup, not to filter it every time the assign action is run.

5. If we could have some other fixed filters - not only the ancestor from point 4. - (not to setup it everytime while running the action) - that would be a game changer as well for our Customer.

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