Incorrect Addition of Line Item Values Showing Exponential Results in Number Format


In Anaplan, when adding a set of line items (all in number format), the result sometimes displays an incorrect exponential value rather than the expected numerical sum. This issue is causing discrepancies in our model calculations and reporting. Since these line items should not be interpreted as scientific/exponential values, it affects data accuracy and leads to confusion for end-users who rely on precise figures for decision-making.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create a set of line items in a module (all in number format).
  2. Input data into these line items.
  3. Add these line items together using a formula (e.g., Line Item 1 + Line Item 2 + Line Item 3 So on Up to Line Item 12).
  4. Observe the result, which occasionally shows an exponential value (e.g., 6.661E-16) instead of the correct sum.
  5. Below are Example of values which User Inputs as in below screen shot :

Expected Behavior:

The addition of number-formatted line items should result in a standard numerical sum (e.g., 0) rather than an exponential notation. The values should be displayed exactly as calculated without defaulting to scientific/exponential format unless explicitly specified.

Current Behavior:

Currently, in specific cases, Anaplan shows the result of an addition as an exponential value (e.g., 6.661E-16), which does not align with the intended output. This can cause significant issues in reporting, dashboards, and integrations, as the resulting values are inaccurately displayed.

Impact and Use Case:

This issue has a direct impact on the accuracy of our financial planning, reporting, and analysis models, especially when users need to sum large numbers across multiple regions or business units. Incorrect exponential values lead to:

  • Miscommunication: Users are confused by the displayed format and have to manually check or correct results.
  • Inaccurate Decision-Making: Incorrect sums can cause delays and errors in decision-making, which are critical for operations.
  • Extra Workload: Manual adjustments are required to fix or interpret the results correctly.

Proposed Solution:

We propose that Anaplan should ensure that number-formatted line items consistently display the exact numerical sum in all cases, without converting to exponential notation unless explicitly formatted to do so. A flag or option to toggle between scientific notation and standard notation might also be useful.

Benefits of Fixing This Issue:

  1. Improved Accuracy: Ensures that users always see correct sum totals, avoiding any potential misinterpretation.
  2. Better User Experience: Reduces confusion and the need for manual intervention when viewing results.
  3. Increased Efficiency: Users can rely on the outputs of their models without needing to apply additional checks or conversions.

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