Keeping the column width after expanding (maximizing) the grid
When the grid is collapsed on NUX page, we can decide what is the width of each column and save it, to look e.x. like this:
But when I maximize the grid
it doesn't keep my formatting from "minimized" view but it has it's own default anaplan view that can't be setup. It results in having header column quite wide (comparing to my minimized/collapsed view) and all the other columns are displayed with equal widths:
This makes the maximized view not better than the minimized one (the user can't read the data in some columns as they are too narrow). I don't have any option to change the widths and save it for future, for all the users.
It would be perfect if the maximized view kept the column widths setup from the collapsed/minimized view.
This would be super helpful!
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