Optimizer Error

Hi Everyone,

I need your help in One of my optimizer use case. I am building optimizer which generate dispatch Plan. They have more then 15000 SKU and approx. 1000 transportation Lane. I am struggling in running optimizer with these many dimension which increasing a cell count of line item. Optimizer failed with attached error. when i ran optimizer with only few members it run successfully.



  • hendersonmj
    edited September 2024

    At first glance, it appears to me that your problem exceeds the limits of the problem that can be handled. I work for Anaplan, so I have some ability to query logs. From the logs for that correlation ID, I see that the job aborted with "Serialization failed" and there is no log returned from the Gurobi engine. This suggests to me that the problem never made it through the pre-processing that the Anaplan engine performs in order to pass the problem to the Gurobi solver. Since it works at small scale, I have to guess that your problem's scale is beyond limits.

    Test to find the limit. Will it solve with 500, 1000, 5000, 10,000 SKUs? With 15,000 SKUs, it is likely that some grouping of minor items is possible. Create a subset of SKUs and solve as a Feasible problem to get a quick determination of whether it will make it to the Gurobi engine. When you know the limit, come up with a plan for reducing granularity, reducing time scale, or breaking the problem up into a series of smaller problems.