Optimizer Help
I am trying to learn and understand how optimizer works in Anaplan and need some assistance in overcoming a roadblock. I am going over a practice problem that I have created in excel and am having difficulties with one of the constraints. The Problem: Without getting to into the weeds this practice problem is about making…
Optimizer OR
Dear Community, is there a possibilitly to use the logical OR in a constraint for the optimizer? I am trying to compare a variable to a constant. The constraint should default to TRUE if the varible equals zero or is the variable equals the constant. I came up with a non-linar equation (x * (x-y) = 0), but I do not know…
Optimizer Error
Hi Everyone, I need your help in One of my optimizer use case. I am building optimizer which generate dispatch Plan. They have more then 15000 SKU and approx. 1000 transportation Lane. I am struggling in running optimizer with these many dimension which increasing a cell count of line item. Optimizer failed with attached…
Dynamic Fake Weeks to Fake Months?
Hello ) Need to run FakeWeeks and FakeMonths to support a Optimizer-setup. As a part of the requirement I need to be able to sum FakeWeek-data into FakeMonth-data. As the fake time lists are dynamic and used for a forecast which moves with the current period of the model I can not use a manual mapping. I am close I think,…
How I Built It: Solving world’s hardest Sudoku with Anaplan Optimizer
About the Author: Tristan Colgate is a Certified Master Anaplanner and Managing Director at Fidenda. Hi Anaplan Community! I’m excited to bring a new and fun video to the Community ‘How I Built It’ tutorial series. In my video, I’ll walk through how I used Anaplan’s Optimizer to solve the world’s hardest Sudoku puzzle. In…
Anaplan Optimizer - Balanced Allocation
Hello everyone, Really hoping one of you bright-minded individuals can help me progress on a persistent issue. I am essentially doing a replica of the "T1.3 Allocation with Product & Line Compatibility" from the Optimizer Toolbox: But! My objective is not to minimize cost. Instead I have a guideline allocation of the…
Optimiser for Minimising transport cost & transit Time:
Hi All, I've one situation where I need to build a optimizer which will minimise the transport cost & transit Time, Below are the details: Inputs : 1) Factory Supply Qty 2) Distribution center Capacity 3) Applicability of mode of transport from Factory to Distribution Center - Mode of Transport i.e by Air, By Road or water…
Line Priority Allocation
Hi, I am having issues using the optimizer for production allocation. The model is for capacity planning. Problem statement Need to allocate the SKU demand to compatible factory lines based on the following logic. Each SKU has a production priority and a factory line priority. If the production priority for a SKU is 1…
Optimizer Problem: Line Production Allocation by Production Plan
Hi All , I am having issues using the optimizer for production allocation. The model is for capacity planning. Problem statement Need to allocate the SKU demand to compatible factory lines based on the following logic. Each SKU has a production priority and a factory line priority. If the production priority for a SKU is 1…
Performance tuning in Anaplan’s Optimizer
Author: Mike Henderson is a Principal Solution Architect at Anaplan. A question recently came up from a customer regarding Anaplan Optimizer, and I thought it would be useful to share the answer with the broader Community. For background, Optimizer uses linear programming to quickly solve complex problems involving…
Multi-Dimensional Sorting for Hierarchical Lists
We need a way to sort hierarchical lists by multiple dimensions. Currently, Anaplan's 'Sort Order Action' for hierarchical lists only allows sorting by parent or by child, which limits our flexibility. Problem Statement:Currently, when working with hierarchical lists, the sorting functionality is limited to a single…
Optimizer - Approach
Hi All, I am trying build optimizer for assignment of products into lines. Below is the scenario: 1) calculated the capacity of each line ( Dimension by Factory Lines) 2) Created Production plan for each SKU ( Dimensioned by SKU) 3) Then Have a mapping module between Factory lines and production which helps to decided…
Improve Productivity: How to Optimize Scheduling of Products
Business Problem In manufacturing and production planning use cases, we often come across problem statements to solve for optimal product sequence on a production line. As different combinations of products can have different changeover times, a sub-optimal product sequence can impact the productivity of the production…
MBTP : Une nouvelle technique est disponible : Introduction à Optimizer
Bonjour Dans notre rythme de vie effréné où le temps est une ressource précieuse et où des décisions doivent être prises rapidement, il devient parfois extrêmement difficile de faire le bon choix face à des variables en constante évolution. Et une mauvaise décision pourrait avoir des répercussions sur la performance…
Provide Retrospective Access to Optimizer Process Failed Message
When the Optimizer has failed (e.g. due to a timeout) I would like to be able to access the Process Failed message and details for the most recent Optimizer run from the Actions tab in the model. This feature could be provided e.g. via a hyperlink in the Start Date and Time (UTC) column. The message contains useful…
Optimizer Error Handling
Hi As a Model Builder I like to see the exact constrain failure for my variable definition while constructing an Optimizer action. Currently Anaplan gives are generic message for Optimizer failure, in case we use multiple constrains for a solution and any one constrain doesn't meet the criteria process fails, if Anaplan…
Help on P&L What-If Optimizer
Hi Everyone, I'm trying to build a Simple Optimizer for P&L where Variables are Volume, Selling Price, Cost Price and Objective is to get a Particular Net Income. I'm getting errors and unable to move forward
How I Built It: Optimizer for work and play
Author: Brent Orr, Solution Architect at Anaplan. Hello Anaplanners! I’m excited to share a video that I created as part of the ‘How I Built It’ video series — diving into Optimizer and how it can help solve complex problems. In the video, I give a live demonstration of how to use Optimizer. I show an example of creating…
Optimizer: Hands-on exercises
Now that we know what Optimizer is and how it can help your organization solve complex business challenges (quick reminder here) it's time to get under the hood and practice. We curated for you 3 different exercises based on different use cases; we also have an available E-learning course. Immersion Optimizer overview…