Build a game in Anaplan! Recording from the Builder Challenge event

edited September 18 in Blog

Our August Community Challenge invited people to share creative or useful Anaplan models they've built, and WOW — the Community delivered! We recently hosted an event to walk through a few of the unique and fun model builds — a recording is available below.

Tune in to see four fun model builds:

  • Kirill Kuznetsov (@KirillKuznetsov), Anaplan Solution Architect from Planingo, kicks things off with a demonstration of his incredible game of Battleship he built in Anaplan
  • Seyma Tas (@seymatas1), Anaplan Product Owner from Caliber Collision, dives into how she built the classic Rock, Paper, Scissors
  • Murat Akkas (@muratakkas), Solution Architect from Wipro, shares his fan-favorite Cows & Bulls game
  • And our host Noah Jackson (@NoahJ), Principal Solution Architect at Anaplan, closes out the session with his build of the game of Blackjack

Chapter timestamps:

  • Battleship: 3:39
  • Rock, Paper, Scissors: 17:05
  • Cows and Bulls: 30:58
  • Blackjack: 42:13

Articles/resources mentioned during the event:

While those four individuals created incredibly fun games, there are many more to see too — both fun and useful ideas that we couldn’t fit into the hour-long event. Be sure to check out the Challenge blog post, and read about:

  • March Madness predictor by @TimothyThomas
  • “Anaplanwich” dynamic sandwich builder by @JaredDolich
  • Uploading transactional row files in Anaplan by @alexpavel
  • Working day calendar by @Hyunju Kim
  • Project calendar creator with dynamic what-if scenario modeling by @Agandhi
  • 15 Puzzle challenge by @Amaya
  • Two builds from @Alessio_Pagliano — a tracker for the Anaplan call / POC tracker and a model size estimator
  • Arithmetic progression and determining the end term of a sequence by @Dikshant
  • Cricbuzz App for help setting up an online cricket tournament by @PulkitChawla

Seyma Tas, one of our presenters, had an excellent suggestion during the live event…. Before or after a project kickoff, challenge your team to work together to build a game! It can be a really fun team-building activity.

Did you miss the Challenge and have something to share? Leave a comment and show it off!

Also, don’t forget to check out our current challenge – share your modeling tips and tricks here!

