CF for Year Totals

edited September 30 in Community Ideas

Folks, native NUX does not offer a highlight option for Year Totals (that i can find) so i am left to use CF for each line item using a CF Year marker to then colour code the year total data.

Trouble is this is way too much work for every line item and of course some data does not aggregate across TIME, leaving the CF looking broken.

Ask: I would like a option to colour code/Highlight Year Column and have that apply to all line items in the module regardless of data type.

NB: Anaplan is highlighting the Time Qtrs/Years when the grid is set to data entry mode where is contrasts white with grey, but this is lost when edit mode is switched off - so it must be close in the backend?


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  • Update: I have now found this EXISITINg functionality.

    Its in the Grid Format (Themes and Styles)

    Select Styles and choose Time Summaries from the drop down.


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