Workflow - Add Machine task on Reject

As a workflow builder, I want to have the possibility to add a machine task after a reject, so that I can run a process or write data.

For example: A Decision task can end on Reject. Afterwards, it should run a process/task, specifically designed for rejection (Import Item, write task, run Anaplan Process).

This possibility already exists in case of approval, so why can we not extend it for reject as well?

Currently, if a approval ends on a reject, the users must still manually run a certain process in the page itself, which is part of the whole approval flow, which is often forgotten as the workflow is already finished. However, in case of approval the user must not intervene as it is already integrated in the workflow. This duality decreases user experience and causes confusion as the user must revisit the correct page and context selectors to run an action for an item which is already rejected.

Currently, we run a process which after approval or rejection reassigns the item to the correct parent (Approved or Rejected). However, we can only automatically reassign approved tasks as with rejection there is no possibility to run machine task. The user must thus manually press an action button to reassign in case of rejection.
Allowing actions after reject, would increase the flexibility of the Workflow feature, making it more adaptable to customer specific approval flows.

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