Cumulate calculation but skip 1st item

edited October 10 in Modeling

Do you have any ideas to calculate this; what I need?
If I make a line item called "for lookup" and use LOOKUP formula, I can do this.

However I need to fill in "for lookup" manually.
I simplify the case here and "Figure" should be calculated using "What I need", so I cannot use "Figure" since it becomes circulation…


  • Hello,

    Normal Cumulate - Figure = What you need, although only in this case.
    Subtracting the current figure from the cumulative total gives the cumulative total up to the previous one.

    What do you think?


  • seymatas1
    edited October 10

    Hi @Naoto,

    Amaya's solution is practical and works perfectly in this case.

    You can try this one if you need to develop a more generalized solution.

    You can enter a shift parameter.

    I hope this helps. 🌷🙂

    Seyma Tas

  • Thank you all!

    considering your ideas, I found out another way to solve my issue.