Best Practices for Optimizing Anaplan Model Performance?

Hi everyone,

I’m working on a fairly large Anaplan model that’s starting to experience some performance issues, particularly when running complex calculations and data imports. I’ve already tried reducing cell counts by removing unnecessary modules and optimizing sparsity, but it hasn’t made as big of an impact as I hoped.

Are there any additional best practices or tips for improving model performance, especially for handling large datasets and calculation times?

I check this: salesforce-developerdifferent-items

But I have not found any solution. Also, how do you approach balancing model functionality with performance when building or maintaining models?

I’d really appreciate any insights or examples from your experience!

Thanks in advance!


    1. Dont use sum & lookup, Select and Lookup functions together in a formula. Make seperate line item and them refer.
    2. Reduce formula complexity by seggregating it with creating different line items.
    3. Don't use Versions in your modules if its not necessary. This will increase the cell count of the module.
    4. Take precized future and past year for model to save up the size of the model.
    5. Regularly cleanup your list subsets to save up the space.
    6. Prefer model to model imports more rather file based import to improve performance.
  • @yagosib240 I would like to understand the profile of the model before providing a suggestion. Could you please advise on the following:

    1. Nature of the model. E.g supply chain, FP&A workforce planning, etc
    2. Model settings, eg 7 years past, 2 years future, weekly or monthly
    3. Where are you experiencing the model performance issue. Eg usually at data entry or model open times
    4. What lists are huge? How large? Eg customer list 20k list items or product list with 5k list items
  • @yagosib240 - Here are the following things which you can do apart from the above mentioned points.

    1. Use list subsets wherever possible instead of using complete lists.
    2. Avoid creating text filters and try to use boolean filters.
    3. If using a complex formula with more if and else, try to escape condition first. Always break formulas into chunks.
    4. Minimize use of text formatted line items as it will take more space.
    5. Turn off summary of line items for which it is not required.
    6. Also, if you are hardcoding any text like "-" or "/" in any formula of line item , try to create these fields in lookup module and then refer it from lookup module to your formula.
  • I would also reach out to your customer success business partner about getting the MAPS analysis done on your model.

    It gives a good starting point for which line items take the most amount of time to run when the model opens - hint: sometimes not the largest as well as which ones are ripe for splitting up/have planual infractions.

    Then once you've updated can then re-request and see what impact there's been

  • Hi @yagosib240,

    If your model is slow, with long opening times and delays in applying formulas, focus on the inefficiencies instead of just the size of your model. Sparsity is not your enemy.

    Instead of trying to fix the whole model, request a Model Open Analysis (MOA) and a Model Performance Analysis (MPA) from Anaplan. These reports will help you focus on the top 5-6 slow formulas, which can make a big difference. You can also ask your Customer Success Partner about these analyses, you may have 4 free analyses depending on your account type.

    If you can't get an MOA or MPA, you can export your line items as a CSV file, sort them by cell count, and focus on fixing the biggest line items or modules.

    A perfect model optimization can take more time than building a model, so it's best to work on areas that will have the most impact.

    I hope this helps! 🌷🙂

    Seyma Tas