Improve immediate reaction to Copy Branch in NUX

Description: In NUX, When we selects an item in a page and copy to the destination, it copies multiple times. This behaviour is while replicating an end user activity.

Steps to recreate:

·        In NUX, select the required item to copy and select copy option

·        Select destination and click on copy

·        During this time, the system does not show anything and looks normal. It does not show a busy message, or busy symbol or the screen is not greyed out.

·        Since there is nothing visible happening on the screen, the user tends to click on Copy multiple times.

·        After few seconds, when the user closes the dialogue or waits for sometime to close the window, it gives a message, "Copy successful" and goes back to initial screen.

·        Model is busy message appears

·        The item is copied multiple times (the number of times the user clicked copy) in the destination.

Requirement requested:We understand that the copy takes time due to model size and complexity. But, there is no warning that the Copy is working. So, to avoid copying multiple times, we are requesting one of the below while the copy takes place:

1.      Close the window while the copy is happening

2.      Grey out the button so the users don't click second time

3.      Show a busy icon (Cursor)

4.      Display in progress kind of message on the screen

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