Numbered list - list formatted line item copy paste

edited January 29 in User Experience Ideas

In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds:

Users unable to copy the display name and paste for numbered list list formatted line item.

The known workaround is to use the # ID for copying and pasting, which allows users to perform this action manually.

This situation can be confusing for end users, where flat lists allow copy paste but not for numbered lists.

How often is this impacting your users? - Everytime

Who is this impacting? - business/end users

What would your ideal solution be? How would it add value to your current experience?

Anaplan can automatically recognize #id while copy data and paste respective numbered list item.

Please include any images to help illustrate your experience.

  1. The Depot 1 and Depot 2 items are formatted as a numbered list.

2. Users can select a depot option from the dropdown menu, but they are unable to copy the display name and paste it

The known workaround is to use the # ID for copying and pasting, which allows users to perform this action manually.

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