Filter list formatted line items based on list property

Hello All,

I have a challenge where I need your expertise to achieve it.

I have a system module for Resources where I have attribute called Employee Type (Permanent, Temporary).

I have reporting module applied with Territory and BU. In this I have line items with Resource list formatted.

I need to create a filter line item to select the Employee type (Regular, Temporary) once I select employee type my reporting module line items should filter the resources based on the employee type selected.
Could someone please suggest how I can achieve this.

Best Answer

  • Prajjwal88
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Ajaykumar08ns ,

    One way to achieve this is by creating another line item that retrieves the employee type using a LOOKUP from the Role line items. You can then compare this employee type line item with the selected employee type from the lookup module.

    Or You can use multiple OR's in the final filter line item as shown,

    However, when applying the filter, since there are multiple Role line items that can contain the selected value, other cells will also be visible. For example, if Row 2 contains both Temporary and Regular employee types, it will still be shown because the filter uses an OR operator.

    One way to handle this is by creating separate line items with logic like:
    If selection= SYS Resource.Emp type[LOOKUP: 'Role1'] then Role1 Else blank
    This way, only the relevant values will be displayed in the report, effectively hiding the others.

    Hope this helps!


  • Hi @Ajaykumar08ns ,

    Could you please share a few more screenshots of your system module, where you have the attribute Employee Type setup along with the format for the same/ Blue print view, and also the list members for Resources Flat, that would help in getting a clearer picture.

  • Hello @Prajjwal88 Here is my SYS module screenshots.

    If I select Regular in the filter line item, my reporting module line items should be filtered if any Regular employee has been assigned to the ST and BU combination.

    For Ex: Shelby Terrell is a Regular employee, If I select Regular then Territory 1 & BU1,BU2,BU3,BU4,BU5 for ROLE 1, ROLE 2, ROL3, ROLE4, ROLE5 should filter.

  • @Prajjwal88 - If we have to create different line items for each resource line item then how can we apply these as filters in the UX page. We have to create only one filter because I have around 30 to 35 line items where I need to apply this filter to show the resources based on employee type selection.

  • @Ajaykumar08ns - Create a list called role & add that in the module instead of different line items for the role.

    Then using the method @Prajjwal88 mentioned, you'd need only 1 line item as it'd calculate that for each role.