Dark / Light Mode for Model Building

Anaplan's rebrand / new UX design has just been released, and it’s blindingly white. Brighter than a supernova. Meanwhile, the brilliant idea of Dark Mode has been marked as "not planned."

Under this new design, Dark Mode is needed now more than ever. Please reconsider before we all develop permanent squint lines.

76 votes

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  • I agree that the ability to switch between light/dark mode is needed, this new Anaplan design is so blindingly white ;(

  • Dark Reader extension for Google Chrome is working ok so far, although a built in dark mode would be appreciated

  • Yes pleasseeee! I have been searching for this option in the new release. The blinding white is very painful for my eyes, I am in desperate need of some contrast!

  • I agree, +1 to this.

    That, or at the very least, allow for selection of a different banner color to something other than white to limit eye strain.

  • I completely agree the new design is really hard to use being so blindingly white. A dark mode is definitely needed now…

  • It's way harder to look at than the old interface, even more so when every other window is in dark mode and it's contrasting horribly.

  • 100% agree. We can force dark mode through Chrome but it is still not ideal. The main issue is the lack of contrast - an all white interface is very visually unappealing. Even a spot of Anaplan blue on the page would go a long way!

  • Agree! Better if we can switch modes.

    Thank you.


  • Also, agree! Would love to have an option to switch between a light and dark mode.

    The banner in the UX now blends in with the page header and isn't easy on the eyes.

  • There was a note in the linked IdeaExchange post for "Dark Reader" Chrome extension. It has some interesting customizations (like applying a % of sepia instead of "dark," which tends to be too dark for my preferences). And, you can apply it to only specific websites (https://us1a.app.anaplan.com/ for me), so that only Anaplan is impacted.

    Here's the link: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/dark-reader/eimadpbcbfnmbkopoojfekhnkhdbieeh?hl=en

  • Erek
    edited February 19

    Yes please. Seconded.

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