Wildcard Searches/Filtering in Context Selectors

The option to filter to a selection in a context selector requires an exact match. It would be more effective if we could use wildcards or enter key words separated by a space or a special character (e.g., a "?" or a "*") and have the menu show items that have both (or all) of the key words in the menu list—even if the key words are not continuous.

For example, if I were to type "TRI" and "GRAY", I would want it to list items that have both "TRI" and "GRAY" in the list that populates the context selector, so it might include the following:

  • TRI-Build Roof Acc GRAY
  • Tan Stack Stn Ledge TRIm GRAY

Because this is similar to a feature our users have been using for years in our legacy system, and something they use often, it will benefit all of our users every day.

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  • I would like to see the transfer in, transfer out columns on D9961 as we do today in the stock status screen in mincron. This will allow us to see if there is material coming in which will help us determine if an order or adhoc transfer is needed.

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