Increase the number of characters in a non numbered list
It would help the overall design principles, if the number of characters in a non numbered list is increased from 60 to 100. The reason to bring this point is becasue of the fact that the non numbered lists are losing its sheen over a period because of various number of reasons and Numbered lists are not the ideal workaround everywhere.
Let us consider this scenario, where most of the SKU's have description well within 60 characters and the design has been built upon the same. However, moving forward the SKU's might have more characters. The business users do demand that they see the whole description as it is. To accomodate this we have to revert to numbered list, which is not a big task, but at the cost of non numbered list having these constraints and making it just redundant when it is actually needed in much use.
Hoping that you would take notice of this and make provision to it.
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