Time List


I'm using week calendar type & using 4-4-5 for week grouping into months/qtrs in the model. So whenever i used month as a time scale in a particular module and tried to use month() function, it's showing peculiar values, as shown in the attached screenshots. Can anybody tell a workaround to fix this.

Best Answers

  • Hi Prashant,

    I must admit this is odd. Haven't seen it before. I even get different outcomes when I apply your formula. Workaround for now: IF PREVIOUS('Month 2') = 12 THEN 1 ELSE PREVIOUS('Month 2') + 1. I included a printscreen to see the outcome of such a formula. This holds as long as the starting period of your fiscal year is January.

    It might be an idea to send this to Anaplan Support to figure out why the formula doesn't hold in case of setting up the model with weeks as periods.

    Best regards,


  • @Prashant22may1


    Hopefully this explains it..  The Start line item formula is START()2019-01-03_12-21-59.png




    When using a weekly calendar (such as 4:4:5), the start of the "month" doesn't always correspond to the "Real" month start, as shown here.  29th of January is the "start" of February

    The only real solution is to add a line to hold the "date" you really want.  there are many methods in which you could automatically create the "real start" line item, but to be honest, it's a one time piece of work (and for subsequent years), and if you hold the values in a System module, it's not that onerous

    I hope this helps



  • HI Prashant,


    I have a quite simple work arround for your scenario and this would be a Permanent fix eventhough if you change the time to next period.


    Step 1: Create a Calendar List as per below screen shot. Make sure that you give correct code for all the items.

    Time List.PNG

    Step 2 : In the module put this formula and your solution is arrived. (I have set the time scale as you mentioned 4-4-5)Time List 1.PNG


    So this will reduce future maintanance. 

    Hope this will solve your concerns.


