Include Process Within a Process

Description of the enhancement required Ability to create nested processes (i.e., process within a process).
An example of the enhancement: A separate process to import a saved view to separate lists that can be combined into one overall process that can be run by the end-user (one click to run multiple processes)
A story for why they want the enhancement, (how would it help their business process) There might be 3 different processes to import a saved view into a list and then export a saved view from a separate module. Each process deals with separate modules. It would be ideal and beneficial to the end-user to be able to combine all these processes into one process that can be run with one click by the end user rather than having to trigger separate exports. This would save everyone time.
14 votes

In Review · Last Updated


  • Status changed to: In Review
  • Yes please, will simplify administration


    Another simple example:


    I have a the following processes to build a hierarchies and details


    1. Build Geo

    2. Build Products

    3. Build Accounts


    What I want to do is

    A Import from Data Hub with the following

    1. Build Geo

    2. Build Products

    3. Build Accounts


    If I change the process 2, for example, I shouldn't have to amend process A

  • Example is that we have separate multistep processes to

    1- Import referential data, 2 - import transaction data, 3 - build hierarchies and 4 - process transactions

    Each of these processes can be run individually by Admin. But end user needs to run all 4 as single process. Do not want to include all actions of each 1 thru 4 in Process for end user.

    Another example is that we must process data (multiple actions in single process) after data is imported but data is large and must be processed by month. Desire to have a process that I can set the time used in "Process TXNs" processes' actions to Jan'24 then run the Process Txns, then set time to Feb'24 and again run Process TXNS and repeat for each time. Of course, the setting of time would not be hard coded like in example as wanted to keep example easy to understand.

    What is needed is reusability. Process that includes other process and Process that can have same action multiple times. Reusability is key for productivity.

  • I thought I had a workaround of sorts - using Cloudworks but alas the "integration flows" element can't be put onto UX pages even though individually processes can be. Is this because of a page only being attached to a single model (more or less) and having a multi-model process wouldn't work?

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