Formula Structure for Performance
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my 10 cents here..say you calculate something based on a condition and 0 otherwise, you could structure it like
if not <condition> then 0 else <calculation> this way you get faster performance (lets say you are expecting 0 on more than 50% of the cells)...
2 -
Just to add onto what @ArunManickam mentioned above, you can also consider the following:
1. If you're doing a boolean test, eg If <condition> then TRUE then FALSE; then just write <condition> because it'll give you the same result.
2. If the 'If then else' starts to look big and tough to understand, you can copy it from Anaplan, and paste it in Notepad, so that you can create indentation to help you read/modify more easily, eg
"if condition A then result 1 else if condition B then if condition C then result 2 else result 3 else result 4"
can be converted into the following in Notepad, before you paste it back. Please remember to get rid of the 'Tab' before you process the formula.
"if condition A then
result 1
else if condition B then
if condition C then
result 2
result 3
result 4"
3. Referring to the same 'if then else' scenario in item 2, or another 'if then else' which is even longer, you can also consider breaking it into multiple line items, eg
Line Item 1 = if condition A then result 1 else if condition B then if condition C then result 2 else result 3 else result 4
can be broken up into
Line item 1 = if condition A then result 1 else Line Item 2
Line Item 2 = if condition B then if condition C then result 2 else result 3 else result 4
4. If you see a lot of 'If then else' that refers to ITEM(), eg
'If item(Product)=Product.A then result 1 else if ITEM(Product)=Product.B then .....
then you'll need to consider using another Anaplan feature, LOOKUP. Please refer to the following for more details on LOOKUP.
IF else on the anaplan ?1