Consolidated Module (with list output type to combine)



I have 3 modules, all sharing the same dimensions (period, transaction# and employee list). The first 2 modules contains line item "metric" both with output type list (same list), I need to see all the data in all line items of module 1 and module 2 - it should be consolidated in module 3.


In module 3, it has the same dimension and line item metric with output type list but I cannot combine all data in it. I tried to use "+" function to combine data from module 1 and module 2 but it cannot push through, there appears to have an error in using "+", as I used before this comes in handy when consolidating data with number output types.


Do we have any workaround so I can combine the data altogether?

Thank you!




  • Hi Sarah,
    It will be great to know what is transactional list are you using - is it just generic numbered list (1,2,3...) or it is created by specific key.
    If you are using same transactions list by key in module 1 and 2, what it seems to be that transactional data in module 1 and module 2 should be the same, therefore you could reference to any of those modules just once without summarizing lineitems.

    Otherwise if transactional data is generic (1,2,3..) and different for each of module 1 and 2 - consolidation report need to be structured differently. For example - output report metric could be not a lineitem, but rather dimension then to summarize modules 1 and 2.
    If you could describe you task with a screenshots - it will be appreciated.