Conditional Formatting on List item (in addition to line item)


Current conditional formatting is based on line items, in addition to this we like to have such possible for list items as well. E.g. highlight particular products, customers or months.

Conditional formatting on line items should still be possible in addition and if for a cell both formatting (based on list item and line item) would be applicable, then you should be able to choose what is the master.


In current conditional formatting set-up, Conditional formatting on list items is not easily possible. The only workaround would be implementing conditional formatting to each line item based on another line item. However this workaround will cause that you can't use additional conditional formatting on line items.

21 votes

New · Last Updated


  • Miran
    Status changed to: New
  • Second this, conditional formatting on list items or the ability to tweek the colors of hierarchies levels would bring a great addition to nux boards displays

  • I would also like this. I have a balance sheet list hierarchy where all accounts and subtotals roll up to a Balance Sheet list item in the parent list. I want to highlight the "Balance Sheet" list item if the balance is not zero, but I can't do this within the module dimensioned by the entire list hierarchy.

  • Currently we have to leverage color coding in grid cells and is hard to identify specific customer, SKU or timeline. This feature would be very useful for user to identify important item on the dashboard. Impacts efficiency





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