Using Sum on List Items
In one of our models w have weeks as a list item, with approximately 76 weeks in total. In one module, each week has a line item 'Score'. In a separate module I'm trying to calculate the sum of score in a 4 week period (between weeks 31 and weeks 35. How would I go about doing this?
Best Answer
Assuming I have read it correctly that weeks is a list and not native time, if the list was created in the correct order, then it is a little know fact that you can use CUMULATE
You can then look for the final week and then subtract the start week. If the below I've kept it really simple and entered the start after.
If you want the entry to be week 31, then set up a module that holds the mappings and then use that to calculate the "start after" week
I hope that helps
Hello @EHarris ,
If your calendar is 4-4-5 type,
Score is on a module with time period "Week"
Create another module with time period as "Month", create a line item and refer the score line item from the weekly module. Anaplan will do a natural sum from week to 4-4-5 month.
If your period is other than 4-4-5, then you need a mapping of week to period and we can do a SUM function using the mapping.
Hope this helps.