Official Anaplanner
Just a quick question, I wanted to appear for Official Anaplanner certification. Do I need to complete Anaplan courses or I need workspace? Can I appear for the test without completing official Anaplan classes and not having workspace
Hi In order to become a certified model builder, you must complete Anaplan courses which require a workspace.
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Are you a working professional or a student?
If you are a student you may be able gain access for free without having to be an Anaplan customer or Consulting Partner.
There is a program called university connect, which allows those interested in learning anaplan to gain access to a free workspace for learning through a university program.
If you're interested I can provide you with more information.
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Thanks Usman. University connect details will be really helpful. I am learning Anaplan virtually. Question is, do I need to complete all Anaplan courses to be qualify for certification exam. Or I can give test without completing official Anaplan classes.
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So you can officially obtain the model builder status (which is the previously known official anaplanner) by completing the level 1 and level 2 training. Both of these are available through the learning centre for free on demand (not classroom based).
However you will need access to the platform to enable you to complete the training and obtain the certification.
So the details for the university connect program can be found in the link below:
I hope this helps!
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Thanks a ton Usman. Really appreciated your help.
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Hi! thanks for your reply. I tried both of the links, over the first link I couldn't find specific info for the model builder course.
The second link took me to a page that doesn't longer exist.
Could you please assist on how to gain access to a free workspace for learning ?
thanks in advance!
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Hi @segadvd,
The community site has developed since I made the posts so I believe the links have changed.
I will repost the links and if they don't work please let me know and I can direct you.
The link to the level 1 on demand training:
University connect program:
I hope this helps!
Also if you're based in the UK and are wanting to join a university connect program please message me and I can help support to set it up.
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I am looking to gain access to Anaplan workspace so that I can start attending online training for exercises. Can you help me with pricing.
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Hi Usman,
I am looking to gain access to Anaplan workspace so that I can start attending online training for exercises. Can you help me with pricing?
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I am a student and wish to learn Anaplan on my own and get a certification. Request you to provide more information on how can I enroll to that program.
Thank you.0 -
Hi @ganeshd10
The only way to be able to use ANaplan's workspace and training materials as a student, is your University or Education Centre having an agreement with Anaplan through Anaplan University Connect. If you are interested in promoting this in your learning centre, you can apply for Student Ambassador:
Else, you must be either client or partner to get access to Anaplan.
Edit: Thanks @ChrisMullen for letting us know about the talent program, I was not aware of it.
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@AlejandroGomez @ganeshd10 We do have a program called Anaplan Talent Builder, here you can gain access to our training materials and a 90 day trial to a workspace.
Here is some more information
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Thank you for your support. I have enrolled for the same. Looking forward to start learning Anaplan!0