Time Ranges Notes
I would like to have Notes available to be able to record comments against a Time Range so as to give more clarity as to what the Time Range is used for and whether it needs to be rolled forward at a Year End as in some cases there may be no need to change the start year of the time range for instance but without knowledge of the model that is not necessarily apparent just from the name of the time range itself.
Status changed to: In Review1
It would be useful to add notes to a time range, like we can most other aspects of a model, to describe what the time range is used for.
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Status changed to: In Review0
I agree with this as well
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@Miran - this seems a duplicate of this other entry .... could we combine them? (& their Kudos): https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Idea-Exchange/Time-Ranges-Notes/idi-p/55385
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Status changed to: In Review0
Just wondered why this is not yet in place. Great that there is already an idea with a good amount of like. 🙂
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I support this idea. It is extremely important to specify the purpose of Time Ranges for other model builders. And also write about the rules for its changes. It's not that difficult to add to Anaplan, is it?
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Support this idea too. It would be really helpful to put notes for Time Ranges - this will make the KT process smoother & more transparent.
Looks like the status is not changing for too long. Pity 😢
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I use simple and reliable naming rules, so it's always clear how to change the time range. The purpose of the time range is better checked via "Line Items List", as the comment may become irrelevant.
But I agree that a text comment on the time range would be useful to write who created it or modify the principles and when.
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I agree to what @AntonMineev mentioned here. This feature will be very helpful.
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