New UX: Filter Capability of Context Selectors in Cards

edited November 2022 in User Experience Ideas

Ability to filter context selectors on individual cards would be very beneficial. One of the use cases is as follows:

- The main view of a worksheet contains the list as rows that is a context selector on a card in the Additional Insights.

- The card syncs to the row selection on the main view but also has a selector available in case the user wants to utilize the selector to view other list item on the card without scrolling down/searching on the main view.

- The dropdown on the card selector includes items that are restricted from the main view which confuses the end users.

- I have tried to filter via saved views however the filter does not carry over to the new UX.

- Not being able to filter results in creating multiple modules for each subset. When the subsets have a lot of overlap that results in storage issues.


In short, Ability to filter context selectors not only on the page but also on individual cards while allowing the syncing would be an amazing update to the platform and will help prevent end-user confusion and frustration!

47 votes

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  • Miran
    edited November 2022
  • alexpavel
    edited November 2022

    In the NewUX there is not such a concept as "module page-selector" as in the classic interface.

    There are only main selectors that are applied to all the modules from the board modules. 


    But, I agree: it would be nice to have the possibility to simulate the module page-selector in NewUX similar to the module page-selectors from the classic interface.


    Indeed, it can be added as a filter in the show/hide menu of the main selectors?

    I think it is acceptable that in some pages the selectors could not show all the elements from a list, but only the relevant members to that particular page. 








  • ipekkirali
    edited November 2022

    I went to go search for this issue and my personal post is the first one that came up. It is still an issue after two years. Ability to filter the card context selectors in Additional insights on worksheets will be very helpful and solve a lot of the limitations we are seeing. Boards already have the capability to add a context selector filter per card per dimension if needed and it is very useful.

  • Chancefisher
    edited November 2022

    I'd also love to see this update in the New UX.


    I'm running into a situation where I have a hierarchal list pivoted to rows, and I'd like to have the context selector for said list on the bottom of a specific grid card. Unfortunately I cannot do this while also using the 'Show/Hide' functionality for the selector (same issue outlined above). This means my only other option is to use a work around to add the selector to the top of the entire page and then use show/hide, but this solution is not ideal because the selector only pertains to one specific grid and not the entire page.

    All in all, this idea would be a big win for my team and me. 

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