Anaplan Live! Spotlight: Anaplan Helps

Spotlight presenters include:
- Pierre Kerkinni, Director of Anaplan on Anaplan, Anaplan (@pierre_kerkinni)
- Sarah Roberts, Management Analyst, City of Tallahassee (@SRoberts)
- Camille Maurice, Manager Data & Analytics, MeltOne Advisory (@cmaurice)
- Joe McLoughlin, Consultant, Platform Specialists (@jmcloughlin)
- Diana Xu, Sales Operations Consultant, Equifax (@daian)
*Event starts at 5:52. If you are having trouble viewing this event on this page click here to watch it on our YouTube channel.
If you have comments or questions for the presenters, leave a comment below!
Thanks to the Anaplan team and presenters for organizing this event at an Hackathon pace! Hope this will help companies navigate through this eventful period.
As told during the presentation I'm available if any assistance is needed. You can reach me through the Anaplan community (@cmaurice) or my LinkedIn company page :
Take care!
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I must echo @cmaurice in thanking the Anaplan team for pulling this together. I am honored to have been given the opportunity to participate in Anaplan Helps during this horrible global pandemic. I truly hope the work we have all done will help people and companies navigate and recover from this crisis.
I too am always available to assist with any questions here in the community (@SRoberts) or directly through email
Stay safe everyone!