Reference another list in a module dimensioned with one list
My module is dimensioned with a numbered list, let's say Segment>Product#; I'm trying to retrieve the hierarchical parent from another list P2 Product in order to get the product family for each single product.
The line item (format 'List') formula I used was to reference directly that list: PARENT(ITEM('P2 Product')). However, it was incorrect, error notification saying that my line item does not apply to P2 Product list, and it applies to Segment>Product#...
Can anyone help on this issue? Since I've already got P2 Product and Product code as line items in the module, both formatted 'text', I also tried another way by directly lookup the product's family in list: 'P2 Product'.Parent [LOOKUP: Product Code], it's invalid as expected..
I'm not able to get a list formatted P2 Product due to dimension mismatch.
Best Answer
Hi @SaraBTIT
You will need a property against the numbered list. You have not mentioned whether the items in the numbered list corresponds to the same P2 Product level or not.
If you already have the Product Code against the list items, you can apply a finditem to find the item in the P2 Product list.
Finditem link:
Once you have found the P2 Product List, then apply the parent formula on it.