calling out previous data
Hi team,
How to call out previous data from numbered list similar to previous if time bounded? Please see attached reference file.
Best Answer
Hi @elaine.novel,
Yes it is possible if you have sequence of code values in your numbered list.
for eg: #1 has a code 001 or PG01 (number or ALPHA Numeric)
#2 has a code 002 or PG02
#3 has a code 003 or PG03
These have sequence of code.
So in this case
Create a line item and use value function to convert to number
for example: #1 has a code 001
Code will always be text so i am converting to number value(code)
Eg: #1 has code PG01
use right function to get the number position
right(code, 2) => output will be 01
Convert to number value(right)
Finally write a condition stating
if #1 then blank
else finditem(numbered list, text(value-1)) => it works for Code 001
if #1 then blank
else finditem(numbered list, left(code,2) & text(value-1)) => it works for Code PG01
If you want to get the previous value of non time modules then there is only one way of doing so which is mapping module
Create a module dimensioned by the list and insert one line item formatted as the same list and then do the mapping. Mapping should be done in such a way that Second item gets mapped to first item
For example:
A - Blank
B - A
C - B
D - COnce you are done with the mapping then you can use Lookup in your formula to get the previous value of the same list
Hope this helps
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Is there a way i can have it calculated instead of manual mapping. I did the manual mapping and it works fine. but i am finding a way for me not to do the mapping manually.
Thanks again,