Need Set Global Default Format Grid function in New UX

My users want to make it possible to set Format Grid - Small for all grids in the New UX. This function exists in Classic UX to set all dashboards to Striped, Ruled, etc. We would like to have this opportunity to set all grids of one App in New UX to one style, e.g. Small which will improve screen space utilization.

9 votes

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  • I was just about to post the same idea, it would be really great to have this possibility! 

  • It would be already amazing if it just remembered my settings. 🙂

  • My client is asking for the same thing. Without this option I will have to use conditional formatting on all the dashboards.

  • Agreed. Global formatting defaults would save admins a lot of time and allow them to build a better dashboarding experience for users.

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