Level 1 Model Building - Lesson 8.6.4

Hi Community

I have included the formula as requested into the formula line of Revenue however it's giving me the attached ERROR MESSAGE which I can't seem to rectify. Any assistance regarding this would be greatly appreciated.


Best Answer

  • Hi @NathanMay 


    Here in this for Revenue is 'REV02...'.Volume * 'REV01...'.Sales Price *(1 + Sales Price Growth %) 

    Here Sales price is increasing and is shown in Sales Price growth . So we need to capture Revenue with Sales Price Growth % . 

    Invalid error here may be because of some manual errors while selecting line items . 


    Hope the above condition helps you to solve this.



    Puneeth HP 

    Success is the Intersection of Dreams and Hardwork!


  • Hi Puneeth Excellent thanks for your assistance and prompt response. regards
  • I am also having the same issue  and not able to fix it. i selected my line items very well yet, i am not able to put in the formula for revenue and cost of sales. Can you please help ?

  • Hello,


    I've tried that formula you stated above, and it still does not work for me. Can someone assist me please.