Pull data into current year from previous year where both are list items

How do I pull data into current year from previous year where both are list items and both are used in a module?

Best Answer

  • What codes are you using for the list items? 


    You can map the 2 lists together either by automating the mapping: Jan = 1 Feb = 2 and so on then use a finditem on this code?


  • What do you mean when you say they are both used in the module?
    Do you have "current year" and "previous year" line items?
    If you are using a list to represent time, these line items being list formatted, you would need an IF statement to check if your list item matched the "previous year" item and then pull the data from "current Year".

    You should be considering using native Time though where functions like PREVIOUS() can quickly reference periods, in this case dimensioned by Years.