Serial Numbers in Anaplan


Hi All,


I have a module with a subset of numbered list applied in its dimension. We want to derive the S.No/ Count of Items in the list in a line item in the module eg: If the list has 3 items A,B,C in the mentioned sequence itself then corresponding to A in the line item built we need 1 then corresponding to B we need 2 and corresponding to C we need 3. If I am using CUMULATE(1, FALSE, 'LIST NAME') then it is randomly displaying the numbers 695, 696,.... Not sure of the reason as it shows nothing on drilling down.


Please let us know if there is a way around to achieve this and the reason for this happening.


Thanks in advance


  • @Sampriti.Anand




    I think that might be due to multi dimensionality of your module. Share it, will try to dig deep

