Cant able to open Sprint 1 course in Level 2

Hello Everyone

I have finished Level 1 and got the certification and continued to Level 2 introduction class, and I have finished it . but when I opened the sprint 1 class, the cursor was not changing to the input method ( hand symbol ) to click and start the course. the course open button remains like the text

Can I know what is the issue since I am eligible for the sprint 1 class but it is not me allowing to enter the course ?

Thanks in advance

Best Answers

  • Hello @Prithi , please try below suggested steps

    • Refresh the tab or
    • Re-login to Anaplan Learning or
    • Login through another browser or
    • If same browser, use incognito mode to login

    I hope the above steps would resolve your issue.



  • Dikshant
    Answer ✓


    There are refresh issues. Make sure your session did not get timed out or you are not away from screen for long which leads to issues like this you mentioned.


  • yes, there was a technical glitch for 20 MIN . It worked after refreshing after 20 min