NUX Comments - Delete & Tag

Comments functionality in UX is really amazing, we like how it enables users to communicate and collaborate within Anaplan. This is great step forward.  

I think this functionality could be improved to work even better.

- I would like to be able to delete my comments

- Workspace Administrator could delete all comments

- I would like to be able to tag another user, so they receive e-mail or/and notification within Anaplan, now it is hard to find a comment.

- I would like to be able to edit my comments (thanks @nathan.buss!) 


This would allow to take full advantage of this great possibility to communicate with other users within Anaplan! 

98 votes

Delivered · Last Updated


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  • @filip.sypniewski  If Anaplan Manages to pull it off i.e., tagging another user and the user gets the notification (either via email or Pop up within Anaplan on his screen) this will be a huge huge step towards (much lagging) Workflow. 

  • Would love to see this development to further improve workflow offering!

  • It looks like we should be able to tag people in comments with the recent Collaboration release. Is this a known issue that tagging in comments doesn't work?? @Rebecca ?


    Definitely +1 for deleting comments! Especially when you comment for testing and training purposes. We need the ability to delete them. 

  • +1 for deleting comments also!


    Based on that post  ^^^ it does seem like tagging people should be available, but it doesn't seem to be working for me either.

  • To add the above, it would be great if we could also edit a comment that we have already posted (similar to the Slack feature)

  • @elizabeth_schaf 


    Post that you have referred is something else and was for Notify Action and Sharing URLs of Boards and Worksheets. Here we are referring to Tagging people in Comment section.

  • Definitely @nathan.buss, I agree. I will add it to the main idea if you do not mind, so it is quite complete post regarding the comments functionality. 

  • Ability to turn it on/off similar to My Pages would be great, especially since there is no Delete/Edit option yet.

  • +1 for deleting comments !

  • +1 for deleting comments and tagging other users

  • +1 for deleting and tagging. Tagging with "@" in the comments doesn't work in our models. Would be big win to have these type of collaboration features. 

  • +1 for deleting and ability to edit columns.


    @ to tag would be super handy.


    Finally - Another feature would be to comment on specific line items or cells rather than the whole module.

  • + 1 for Delete comments,

    +1 for tagging other users

  • Many Kudo's for delete, reset or archive ability, at least by and admin.

    I would also like to see an integration for commentary to create a notification in Slack, teams, etc. that would notify a user with the comment and a link back to the Anaplan page.

    Will Lederer

  • +1 for delete and tagging comments.


    It could be also great to have a view of all comments on a board (for all cards)

  • Hi,


    Comments is an amazing furture in new UX. But yes if there is option to delete the comments and tag the users it will be added advantage.

  • 1+ for deleting and editing comments

  • Agree with all the suggestions above : deleting, editing, taging, commenting on a cell

    I would also add +1 for commeting on worksheet pages (only available on Boards for the moment)

  • This is already a good feature and if the ability to tag and delete comments are provided then it is a welcome addition.

  • +1 for deleting and tagging. Tagging with "@" for example and the user gets the notification (either via email or Pop up within Anaplan on his screen) would be a great step forward

  • +1 for editing and deleting comments

  • Status changed to: Delivered
  • Thanks all to who have commented on this post - I can confirm that tagging is on our product roadmap for February this year, and edit and delete will follow shortly afterwards.

    We are also working on a summary view, tenant admin controls for commenting, and a Slack integration, all of which are on the roadmap for the first half of this year. 

  • Hi all, a quick update on this thread to let you know that user tagging has now been released! We've also released a feature whereby the recipient who's been tagged can follow the link directly to the correct page with the context already initialised and the conversation panel opened with the right thread showing. 


    Thanks for the feedback so far!

  • @EmilyJ 


    Yay! Amazing feature. Wonderful:)

  • + 1 for deleting! It's extremely needed! Especially to clear data after user decided to test how it works!

  • Delete is a must!

  • Gotta have the option to delete! Especially for new budgeting and forecasting cycles.


    In the interim, I am encouraging our users to use the slack integration as comments and updates can be held in a slack channel outside of Anaplan where it is easier to manage the conversation. 

  • We have now released the ability to delete comments!


    Thanks to all for your feedback on this, and please keep suggestions coming on how we can improve Collaboration in the UX.


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