Update subsets for the lists with Selective access
Hello, could you please help with following situation. I have the flat list of positions for which Selective access is set (according to the access of the user, so that HRBP of the Facility 1 has access only to applicable positions). All the major calculations are made on this list of positions ir order to save space…
Last 52 weeks Calculation
I have a requirement to show the last 52 weeks value. I want to create another line item which has to sum last 52 weeks total hours e.g.: 03/08/2025 should show the last 52 weeks data this should be dynamic and 52 weeks should change based on the week. Thanks in Advance.
How to SUM the last three months
In the line item "last 3 months sum", I'm trying to sum the last three months. I tried using timesum but wasn't getting the right numbers. Any help appreciated, thanks!
Converting Text to Date and Date to Text
Author: Julie Ziemer is a Certified Master Anaplanner, Anaplan Community Boss, and Solution Leader/Business Analyst at Akili. While Anaplan has specific functions to convert between data types, converting Text to Date and Date to Text are two commonly searched topics on Community and they require the use of several…
Done with L1 and L2. What next?
Hello Anaplanners! I recently completed my L2 certification for Anaplan. Unlike L1 and L2, there are no courses in the Anaplan Learning Center for starting or enrolling in L3 certification course. Can anyone let me know the next steps towards getting an L3 certification and an eventual Certified Anaplan Model Builder…
L3 User Story 2.4
Hi Community, In L3 User Story 2.4 requires the comments to be seen by others. Who should see the comments? That Country Sales Manager's ? and do we have to create a link or add an line item for comments associating with all accounts and then publish it do UX so end user can add comments along side of the accounts…
Function that locks the specific models
I would like the function to lock specific Models at "Model Management" so that they can't be easily deleted.
Level Mismatch Error
Hello All, I am getting level mismatch error while set up the summary method as ratio, i am not able to set up the applied to and ratio as describe in the below ss simultaneously. what is the possible reason for the error and any ideas and suggestion would be appreciated, thank you for your help.
How long to wait for accessing anaplan workspace
Hello, I applied 31 july 2024 for the talentbuilder program(Completed anaway plan already). On the website it says approx 6 weeks. I'm still waiting for approvement to get access on the workspace. Can any admin give me update about the situation?
Error in Uploading Screenshot for Anaplan ADO Maps.
Hi All, Facing an issue while uploading the screenshot as it is showing "error while uploading the file". Is it only for me or is anyone else facing the same. Can anyone help in resolving this at earliest? Attaching the screenshot of the error below. Thanks,
Removing unnecessary Top Levels
Removing unnecessary Top Levels (or better yet, not adding them in the first place!) Author: Allison Slaught, Certified Master Anaplanner and Principle Solution Architect at Anaplan. To improve efficiency in your models, it’s important we only calculate where necessary. One way we can do that is to only use Top Levels…
Adjusting Statistical Forecasts: Utilizing different Methods for varying time horizons
Hello Anaplan Community, currently we have a very simple statistical forecast tool in Anaplan. We can select between 15 forecast methods for a forecast category. We generate the statistical forecast using a single method for the next 5 years. We aim to introduce a logic that enables selecting two distinct forecasting…
Model Building
Hello, I have one requirement where line items should be filtered based on the Year(FY24, FY25) Dimension. For eg: there are 12 line items, which contains both text and number formats. If User selects FY 24, The first 6 line items should be shown in the page and if user selects FY25, last 6 line items should be shown . Any…
Multiple Selection like Excel Pivot
I want publish this below list on ux pages and give end user option to select multiple item from list like we have option in Excel Pivot table. Is this function available in Anaplan or can anyone suggest me alternative function can be used. There are multiple line item in the list. The final goal is to sum the number from…
Filtered Picklist / Dependent Dropdown using values
Hi all Is it possible to set up a dependent dropdown based on a value? The scenario is that we have a list of orders with an order quantity, with a line item for the user to select the destination. However, we have a capacity constraint in the destinations, so we want the line item to only display the destinations with the…
Dynamic Line Item Label
One recent scenario was where the Line Item Labels are shown as CY, CY-1,CY-2,CY-3 and users wants this name to be dynamic like 2024,2023,2022,2021, I want this label to change in all modules each year as the current period changes. There were many occasions where there were requirements to change Line Item Label, which…
Summary values according to two list/line items
I have a module "details" dimensioned by a list 'orders' which is a hierarchal list . Structure of module looks like this :- one of the line items is 'Amount' and one is 'Plant location' in another module "Summary" i want to summarize the figures of this module according to plant, this module is also dimensioned by same…
How to roll back a production model to recover lost data
Author: Jessie Zhao is a Solution Architect and Certified Master Anaplanner at Anaplan. Working with a model in ALM has a lot of benefits. These include building new features in a development model anytime without affecting production users, securely managing production lists by identifying structural data that needs to…
Use Custom Fixed position pattern for 13 periods of 4 weeks
On loading data into a module, the Time dimension Custom patterns are based around a true calendar month, 1-12. There isn't a custom mapping pattern for periods which where the system time is set to 13 periods of 4 weeks. For instance, using custom YYYY_MM or YYYY?MM for the below data, would allow to load the data…
Models - Blank Screen
Hi Folks, I am getting this blank white screen which has been loading forever. I have cleared my cache, used different browsers, verified my access with administrator but still issue persists. Is anyone facing the same issue? And found solution?
Reference of numbered list via display name
I have a numbered list where code property is an index like 1,2,3,…… which i cannot use to pull the properties from the list. In this list i have 3 other columns p1, p2, p3 and in another module i have a line item which has similar values like p3. In this same module i am trying to get the values from p2 & p1 in another…
Capture Current Date Time Stamp in a cell
Hello, I want to capture Current Date Time Stamp in a cell when there is a change in line item? Is it possible with out implementing something too fancy?
2025 Recertification update
We're working on enhancements to the certification program, focused on further elevating the quality and credibility of our certified professionals. These improvements will highlight the expertise of our super users to provide a distinct advantage in the competitive market. We expect to share more details in the spring of…
4.6.5 Sale Planning Model: DAT02 module
In the Sales Planning model, create a DAT02 PY Revenue to CY module to carry forward the FY19 quarterly actual sales revenue to FY20 quarters For this module, using the LOOKUP function and a Time Settings system module is a more efficient formula than using OFFSET to carry the data forward a year Hello, I am trying to…
Hello, Good Day! Need some professional help on how I can replicate the weeknum function from Excel to Anaplan. I am relatively new to this platform. I have a module where I should be able to get the Peak Week from a date value (Peak Date). » So it's like the Weeknum function using the 'Peak Date Mid" value. I have another…
Issue on getting the values from the source module : Month (TIME) to Quarter (LIST) Concern
Hi, I am facing an issue in relation to getting the sales per quarter.Target Module : Account (List), Product (List), Quarter (List), Year (List) Source Module : Account (List), Product (List), Month (Time) I keep on getting zero value whenever I tried to lookup the sales from the source Module. I have already mapped the…
Custom Calendars
Is there a way to create custom calendars in Anaplan? Our customers work out of different calendars and we would like to be able to enter and report data according to each specific customer's calendar, while at the same time being able to enter and report data according to our corporate calendar. Any advice or links to…
Round Function
It would be great when using the Number of Decimal Places in the Round function if Anaplan rounded to the number of decimal places asked and it stayed rounded when going up the hierarchy. The summary is set to "SUM". For example, I have five children members with a formula ROUND(Value $ * value %, 2) function. Each of the…
Is there anyway to provide a notification to the user
Hi team, I want to create an automatic notification system. as you can see in below screen, there is a module with week time dimension and delta line item (difference of actual data vs forecast data). so, I want to notify the user via email whenever the delta Boolean is true ? How to create this in anaplan?
Export data source as a new tab
Unless the model builder names the saved views appropriately, it's often difficult to trace the source object of an export action. It currently indicates only the list name or the module name, but if we can have a tab for 'Exports' similar to 'Imports', to indicate if the source of export action is a module default view or…