Selective Down Selection - Selective Access


Team - I want to restrict the users to see only those items in the drop down to which that user has an access. For example, in the screenshot, I want to restrict the users to certain location.. and not every location.. selective access works great when the list is a dimension.. but not able to replicate the behavior when the list is a dropdown.




Any pointers would be great. In this if I have access to only two items say Kyiv or Lyiv, then I should not see others.



Best Answer

  • CommunityMember126793

    @AvnishGoel @DaanishSoomar , list (as page selector) can be certainly controlled after making respective changes in "Format" of line item but it goes hand-on-hand with "Selective Access Enabled" check.




    If u know a certain user need access on certain value of the list then select that user (under Read / Write columns in List once Selective Access is Enabled).

    Hope am able to shed some more required light!


  • Hi @AvnishGoel,


    If I understand correctly, you are trying to mirror the selective access logic you have applied on the dimension, in the list formatted dropdown.


    See if this helps- in the blueprint view, for that specific list formatted line item, there is a toggle which you can filter by "Selective Access". Try flipping this on. 




    I used this article as a reference.

  • Great supplementary comment @CommunityMember12679!