Bulk Copy Action - Line Item Input

Great addition this past weekend with the Bulk Copy Action so that it can be tied to a process.  As another enhancement to this feature - it would be great if the model builder can set line item values to drive the input - similar to the update current period action released prior.  

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  • Great idea! At a minimum, I think the workspace administrator who is running this action should be allowed to select the source and target of the bulk copy (March Forecast to April Forecast, etc.)

    As it is right now, the use of this functionality is quite limited in what it offers to model builders and end users

  • Agreed, we would find the ability vary the bulk copy inputs from a line item very beneficial for our Scenario Planning model. 

  • Also agreed - sounds like a great idea!

  • Agreed! In most models I have built, there is a need (within a Versions List or Native Versions) to copy the Current Working Forecast Version into another newly created Version to be locked for historical analysis and reporting purposes. It is a great step forward to have a Bulk Copy action, however it is not useful in this case as the Target is continually changing, and the action currently requires the Target to be predefined. Having flexibility to assign this action to Roles outside the Workspace Administrator would also be very helpful. Finally, to another comment I saw somewhere, having the Bulk Copy function be available on Production Lists is critical to workspace size management. Very often, Versions (List or Native) are key dimensions on most planning modules and also critical for historical reporting, which means they have a significant impact on model size. The ability to reduce the Versions in a Dev model and not the Deployed model would be great.

  • I completely agree! It appears self-evident that the ability to select the target item would be an essential feature for a bulk copying action.

    As has been previously highlighted, in the overwhelming majority of cases, users aim to bulk copy an existing version/list item into a newly created version/list item.

    We could combined this idea with


  • edited February 2023

    We currently have multiple use cases where we built a custom "snapshot" functionality that exactly does that. It s working the exact way described in the idea but it s cumbersome to set up and maintain as it requires each module to be copied from / to to hold it s own imports actions.

    Having the ability for end users to :

    1) add source / target list items (from versions, time * or any other custom list)

    2) choose source and target for a bulk copy from any list dimension

    3) launch the bulk copy based on those source / target inputs

    (*) though currently these are non production lists but there are ideas to change that

    - versions : https://community.anaplan.com/discussion/39703/make-versions-a-production-list#latest

    WIll go a long way to decrease the complexity around managing these snapshots features

  • In addition to allowing non-workspace admins to select a source and target list member and run a bulk copy action on the NUX, just want to reiterate that this would need to apply to Production and numbered lists as well. In so many cases, we need users to create a new list member with their own name, and then be able to copy an existing member to the new member. Please please please put this on the roadmap!!


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