Bulk Copy Action for Production Lists

This idea relates to the Bulk Copy action enhancement released in a platform update earlier this month (Nov 6 2021 release). (Thank you by the way for that enhancement!)


We would like the ability to execute the Bulk Copy action for Production Lists. (Currently, the action is limited to only non-Production Lists.) Bulk Copy for Production Lists is critical for us since we leverage Bulk Copy extensively with lists that get changed in a deployed/Prod environment. (E.g., user has ability to create their own list member representing a what-if scenario, and then Bulk Copy to/from that list member.)


Related to this idea, we'd also like the ability to execute the Bulk Copy action by a non-Workspace Admin, and for the Source/Target list members for the Bulk Copy to be tied to Line Items, so the action is dynamic/flexible , as opposed to the Bulk Copy Source/Target fixed to specific list members, but I see there are already Ideas out there in the Exchange, so I'll just piggyback off of those:



Paul Rappmund


32 votes

New ยท Last Updated


  • Voted. We would also like the ability to execute Bulk copy for Production lists and also by non-Workspace admin users.

  • Gets my vote.

  • I vote. Professional users would also find it useful to be able to bulk copy between production list members.

  • I agree, it would be great if non-admins could select the source/target lists for bulk copies

  • Ability to bulk copy between production list members would be super helpful.

  • jziemer
    edited December 2024

    I agree!!! For large, complex models that require "versioning" on the majority of modules, a manual workaround is not only prone to manual errors, but also complex to build and maintain. Having native Anaplan functionality that allows non-Workspace Admins to select the source and target member of a production (or any) list (or at least a target member with a fixed source member) for a bulk copy without a workaround would be a game changer. The absence of this feature forces a Workspace Admin to perform critical finance control tasks (in our case, copying the "Working Version" to a newly named historical version that can be locked). Making a Finance user a Workspace Admin just to perform this action is a control risk, and A Workspace Admin should not have to be involved in a controlled process that should fall within the Finance or other business function. Big bottleneck and not ideal from a control perspective. Please consider this for roadmap in near future!

  • Totally agree with @jziemer. In order to allow the user to create and configure new scenarios enabling both the production list bulk copy as well as the non-admin access to configure mapping would definitely be worth considering. Furthermore, being able to add filters to these actions would be extremely interesting as well.


    • Copying Budget configuration to Last Estimate for a specific year, without overwriting all the historic data
    • Dragging yearly configuration from last year to the current year only for the Budget version, etc.

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