Need Advice on Integrating Anaplan with External Data Sources
Hi everyone, I'm working on Anaplan integration with external data sources and could use some advice. Any tips or tools to recommend? Thanks in adavnce!
404 Error while exporting files from Anaplan process task
url used: "https://api.anaplan.com/2/0/workspaces/{workspaceID}/models/{modelID}/processes/{processID}/tasks/{taskID}/dumps" response.status_code: 404 Description: When the process is run manually from Anaplan app, it runs successfully and downloads the file. But when the process is run via Rest API and waited for the…
How to move or copy an excel spreadsheet without loosing connection
I'd like to merge 2 excel files. Both have anaplan connections. How can I move or copy excel spreadsheets to another file withour loosing my anaplan connection?
How to I access a failure dump of an action within a process using the API
I understand I can get an import's failure dump if I run the import, then get the task id, then construct a url: https://api.anaplan.com/2/0/workspaces/{WorkspaceId}/models/{ModelId}/imports/{ImportId}/tasks/{TaskId}/dump . My issue is that i'm running a process, which runs a number of imports. One of which has a failure…
Replicate A+ for Anaplan Functionality in New UX
Hello, With the New UX, A+ for Anaplan Chrome extension no longer works. I am wondering if there is any current extension developed that can replicate any of the functionality of the former A+ for Anaplan Model Builder Edition Chrome Extension? Specifically, I am wondering if there is the ability for "Improved Colors" that…
Can someone explain what exactly is metadata, and what is the role of metadata in the datahub and how it is better to calculate the metadata in the datahub itself rather than importing it to other spoke models?
Return list member with highest value in module on other dimension
Hello, I have two modules: "Module A" with two dimensions: "Product" and "Market" "Module B" with one dimension: "Product" Module A has a line item "Sales" that has the sales by Product and Market. I would like to display the top 3 Markets (formatted with the "Market" list) with the highest sales in Module B, with three…
CloudWorks Export to S3 Sub-Folder
Has anyone had trouble export to an S3 sub-folder using CloudWorks? I'm testing out functionality and this is the only blocker. I am able to import from/export to the root folder in S3 bucket, and can import from sub-folders. But when I try to export to the sub-folder, the job fails and I get "A non-Anaplan error has…
Automate Notification Feature
Hi Team, I have currently published the "Notification" button on New UX page which shares the URL for the respective page with defined "Recipient". Anaplan has introduced the "ANAPLAN Cloudworks" which automates the defined Actions(Import/Export) but how can I automate the notification feature through ANAPLAN Cloudworks…
Anaplan Excel Add-In: Lost Connection due to Reordered Columns
Hello, I am using the Anaplan Excel Add-In to organize my data in Excel. The issue is that when I reorder the columns and then change the context selectors, the columns that were moved no longer update based on the new context selectors chosen. However, when I change the context selectors, every other column that was not…
CloudWorks Integrations & Processes General Columns
I don't want to waste the space to create an extensively long name to identify what Model my Integration corresponds to, especially when we add many new integrations. Can you please add the Workspace and Model to the columns available when looking at Integrations so I don't need to click into every single one to check…
how I can change the Pivot layout in APP chart
when I try to create a chart in APP, how I can change the Pivot in APP instead go to module view.
Import Failure - Action Button
Hello, is it possible to see the columns/fields of the file Anaplan is expecting when we are seeing this error: It is much easier to debug if we can see the expected columns, specially if someone else created this action. Thank you
Item not located in subset when importing from the same subset
Hello, I am trying to import data from Module A to Module B, with both having the same two dimensions: "Market" and "Channel". Both modules have a line item called "Product", formatted as a list "P3 Relevant Products" which is actually a subset of the list "P3 Products". P3 and Market are Production Data and numbered…
data showing -infinity
Hi, I am having a data value showing -Infinity. How can i convert this to zero value? Thanks, Tom
extend time to access anaplan
Hi, Unfortunately, my access to my profile was expired, All my models and apps and Data have disappeared which I need to finish my course. I am middle of level 2 and it is very important to finish my lessons. Do you Know How can I recover my DATA or extend my access? I am a student and 90 days were not enough for my to…
Transactional API For Meta Data missing information
I am building a workspace audit model where I want to extract all information about models, modules etc. When extracting the data some fields are only partially populated. For Example: Model Information - The Size is not always populated Module Information - The Module id is not always populated Has anyone else experienced…
Dell Boomi - Certificate issue
Hi, I'm using dell Boomi to connect Anaplan. I have the certificate but i'm not sure how to get the Private Key Alias. Any suggestions?
How to update existing records(s) and insert as new records if not exists like UPSERT
Hi, How to update existing records(s) and insert as new records if not exists like UPSERT through Anaplan Connect script for MS SQL Server? Thanks & regards, Anil
Anaplan File Upload Automation - iPaaS Reviews
We are automating data uploads from our Snowflake tenant to Anaplan. Our current iPaaS solution fails constantly on the upload process and doesn't provide much feedback. Can anyone provide their experiences with other iPaaS platforms and their Anaplan connectors? We don't have developers in-house so we have steered a way…
How to INSERT or UPDATE a record in MS SQL with AnaplanConnect export action (jdbc properties)
Hi ALL, We have a requirement to export Anaplan data into a Microsoft SQL Server database. We have requirement that, need to insert in a table if new records or replace with existing records. As per Anaplan Connect latest user guide shows it’s achievable with REPLACE or INSERT IGNORE SQL commands. But I’m facing following…
Excel Add-In "Send & Receive" detects no changes
I am very new to Anaplan I have become proficient at extracting data, but this is my first attempt to update our forecast. But I can't even get past the first step. I change the data, but when I hit "Send & Refresh" it detects no changes
Anaplan API Authentication service - nuances...
Official documentation from Anaplan: https://anaplanauthentication.docs.apiary.io/# In order to successfully connect to the Anaplan Authentication service you will need to: * Generate a CA certificate. with access to both the public certificate and the private key * Add the public cert to the anaplan security site *…
Possible to extract Workspace security using API ?
Hello, We have a requirement to send security extracts on a weekly basis, since we have 10 or more workspaces, is there any way we can extract this information via APIs ? It's jus the Extract option on the users screen that we are looking for
CloudWorks Integration with Amazon S3: "There was an internal server error"
Hello, I'm trying to get Anaplan to an Amazon S3 bucket. I have set up a connection and it seems to work, however when trying to pick a data target I keep running into the issue of there being an "internal server error". Any thoughts on how to resolve this?
Google Sheets Add-on Performance
Hello, We would like to use the Google Sheets Add-On, but face the problem that every step, including the refreshing and sending of data to and from Anaplan is very slow and time consuming. Using the Add-on in a new empty sheet works faster, but the client works in several Google sheets with multiple…
Import Fail - Invalid Date or Time Scale Error
Hi Team, In Level 3, I have imported activity 4.6.1 Historic Revenue by Product. I'm facing issue with the Time Dimension even though I used the Time Range concept Any ideas on why this is 'Failing'? Is this because of the Model Time scale as a "Week" SS Thanks Devika
Anaplan: Valid To period - 9999
Hi Expert, Good day! Would like to seek your insights on how to upload the ValidTo period as 12/31/9999 and in Anaplan it will become blank (Date format). Since in Anaplan unable to load this period format unless set the format as text. Is there any workaround to handle this one or a system limitation? Thank you in…
Can we update Source Model mappings using an Action or through an API in Anaplan ?
Hi, Can we edit Source Model mapping in Anaplan using an Action or through an Anaplan API? e.g.: We want to import metadata from 2 sources into 1 target model : We have same module name, line items, metadata (codes) and saved views exist in Model 1 & Model 2. Model 1 ⇒ Model 3 (using "Action 1") Model 2 ⇒ Model 3 (using…
Anaplan Import Action - Import connector: Error obtaining input stream (caused by: File not found)
In snaplogic, We are using Anaplan-connect SDK version to connect to Anaplan. As part of one of our customer usecase, we have created a process with 8 Anaplan import actions in it. Using Snaplan Anaplan snaps, created a pipeline which executes 8 anaplan uploads simultaneously and once all uploads are successful, we…