May 2024 Group Meeting Recap
Hi Group Members, We hosted the May group event on 5/28 with a presentation on UX Navigation. If you’d like to view or share the recording or the presentation deck, you can find them here: APAC event recording Featuring guest speaker: Kiran GS, Solution Architect, Anaplan AMER/EMEA event recording Featuring guest speaker:…
Denver ACE Hybrid Event (in person and virtual)
Model Builder Spring Cleaning Join us in Denver in person or via Zoom to talk about how to Spring Clean your models. Chris Stauffer from Anaplan and Mitch Aist from Tru Consulting will be talking about how to view models from a consultant lens, as well as how to use the tools and reports that Anaplan can provide to help…
Model Metrics: What would you like to see?
The UX Research team aims to understand the most valuable metrics to model builders to inform tasks around model management, maintenance, and optimization. If you are model building for your company, we would love to hear from you in the quick 10 minute survey below:
Viewing Workspace Details
As customers become more inquisitive around where Anaplan houses your data, your Anaplan administrators can check where your workspaces are hosted, alongside some other useful information here. Reach out to your business partner if you have any further questions at all!
Lets learn more - Anaplan Micro Lessons
Hey everyone, I know the day job always seems to get in the way of us learning more about the Anaplan platform. But whats that, you do have a few minutes to spare and want to learn a little more? Great! Have a look at the on demand micro lessons In addition to links ot the L1, L2 and L3 courses there are other mini lessons…
March 2024 Group Meeting Recap
Hi Group Members, We hosted the March group event on 3/26 with a presentation on Data Integration. If you’d like to view or share the recording or the presentation deck, you can find them here: APAC event recording Featuring guest speaker: Adam Trainer, Anaplan Principal Platform & Modeling Specialist, Centers of…
Survey: Invitation to participate in the 27th Annual Systems Survey by Sapient Insights
In anticipation of the 2024-25 Annual HR Systems Survey (27th edition) conducted by Sapient Insights Group, Anaplan is encouraging customer participation to inform the research. Ideal candidates will be familiar with their organization’s workforce planning and HR practices and supporting systems. The survey is now open for…
April Group Meeting Recap
Hi Group Members, Last April 23, we hosted the April group event with a presentation on Management Reporting. If you’d like to view or share the recording or the presentation deck, you can find them here: APAC event recording Featuring guest speakers: Kiran GS and Chino Matela, Anaplan Solution Architects AMER/EMEA event…
New Feature - Role Based Landing Pages
Anaplan Roadmap Presentations - April 2024
Hello Nordics Anaplan Group. Anaplan Product has released a new update to the platform Product Roadmap, and we look forward to presenting this to all of you who are interested. Our colleagues that will guest lead these discussions are: Chris Stauffer, Principal Platform Adoption Specialist Bill Dowling, Principal Platform…
Le ‘Dependent dropdowns’ est désormais disponible dans vos formulaires !
Bonjour, J’espère que vous allez bien et que vous avez passé de belles vacances estivales. Pendant ces vacances, Anaplan a intégré une petite amélioration permettant désormais d’utiliser le ‘Dependent dropdowns’ également dans les formulaires (dans certains cas). Cela me donne l’opportunité de vous rappeler comment…
Exclusive preview to Community Bosses: Community Q&A Challenge on September 5
Hi Community Bosses, We have an update about our first Community Q&A Challenge! As promised, I’m sharing with our Community Bosses a sneak peek to the Challenge, which will go live next week on Tuesday, September 5. I want to thank everyone who participated and shared their question ideas in this discussion. Thank you so…
Modeller's Forum EMEA dates 2023
Hi Please advise calendar of dates for 2023 when one can attend these sessions? Ravinder.
日時: 2023年9月26日 (火) 15:00-16:15 場所: オンライン/電話開催 このたび、Anaplanジャパンでは、企業の経費に関する計画、予算策定、管理をテーマにしたオンラインセミナーを開催します。 日本企業においては、来会計年度のビジネスプランニングに伴い、経費の予測や計画が一般的には秋頃から開始しますが、経費の策定に関しては前年度実績を踏襲したり、一律数%カットなど、ビジネス状況を適切に反映・シミュレーションした計画策定にまで至ってないのが現状です。また、ボトムアップによる計画策定の場合、経営計画部門は、各部署から情報を吸い上げて予算策定する際に膨大な表計算シート集計だけに多くの時間を割かれています。…
UK User Group 2020 - Follow Up!
A really BIG thank you to all those who joined us for our first virtual User Group. We hope you found the session insightful and it has given you some ideas on how you can do more exciting things with Anaplan. We are really hoping that we can continue the conversation in the community so would love to hear your thoughts,…
Anaplan Higher Education Live Webinar Series
As part of our initiative to engage with existing Anaplan customers and implementation partners, we are showcasing success stories from within the field of Universities and Higher Education. Throughout the year, universities from across the United States will be sharing their Connected Planning journeys and providing…
ウェビナー:製造業のためのR&D要員・コスト管理高度化 Anaplanショートセミナー
日時:2023年9月14日(木) 15:00-15:40 (本編 30分、Q&A 10分) 場所:オンライン/電話開催…
MBTP : Technique 'Allocation par ordre de priorité'
Bonjour, Je profite de ces jours d'Août pour vous faire découvrir un nouvelle technique / approche Anaplan : Allocation par ordre de priorité. Objectif : Supposons que vous disposez d'une ressource limitée que vous devez répartir entre plusieurs produits. Plutôt que d'opter pour une répartition conventionnelle basée sur un…
Anaplan Connect - Boston, MA October 11-12
Anaplanners, Great opportunity to visit with your retail colleagues in person. I attended NYC and Atlanta and had a great time meeting and listening to Anaplan customers. Also, a great time to recruit modelers for your team. https://events.anaplan.com/anaplanconnectboston https://events.anaplan.com/aceanaplancommunityevent
June & July 2023 - Community Boss Highlights
Hi Community Bosses, Since our program launched in June 2023, we've had some great contributions from our Community Bosses! We want to express our sincere gratitude and share a few articles and a podcast from the last couple months from our Bosses. Please take a moment to dive in and enjoy! @einas.ibrahim: Key metrics for…