Higher Education Model Builder Forum: Aug 31st
Join us for a fun and informative model builder session to explore several important topics, do some hands-on building, and have Q&A time with an expert! This session will be led by Mike Henderson, Principal Solution Architect at Anaplan, who has 7 years of experience at Anaplan, and 20+ years of experience in design and…
Sustainability Virtual Event: Tuesday, August 29th at 9 AM ET/6 AM PT!
Hi Group! We are excited to host the next chapter of sustainable business planning discussions this Tuesday, August 29th at 9 AM ET/6 AM PT! Please Join @KBeltz and I as we explore Sustainability in Anaplan. This session will include a quick recap of sustainability 101 concepts along with an exploration of 4 potential…
Ask Anaplan: provide early feedback on our newest AI innovation!
I'm excited to reach out and invite you to participate in an upcoming Research Lab, a deep-dive interview series. Our next Research Lab is designed to impact the development of Ask Anaplan, a new AI solution-gathering tool that will enable natural language search. We are currently building a collective of users to…
Top tips for maximising your Anaplan Experience
Next time you have a quick coffee break, check out the article from <Master Anaplanner Shivankur Sharma who shares his advice on getting the very most out of the Anaplan platform. What do you think? What are your thoughts? What is your advice to our community?
Zoom Recordings - July 2023 Virtual Events
Hi API Developers Thank you to all that could join our first virtual event for 2023, and a big thank you to @Nikolai Starostin and @anirudh for presenting your amazing solutions. For those that couldn't make it, we now have the recording to available to share! AMER/EMEA Recording link: here Passcode: ^DB=a8Ju Demo…
Newsletter August 2023
Welcome to this month’s Anaplan Customer Newsletter! This content will help keep you apprised of the latest in our collaboration, inform you of product updates and industry news, and connect you with our broader Anaplan community and resources to stay at the top of your game. _________________________________________…
Newsletter, August 2023 (Benelux)
Welcome to this month’s Anaplan Customer Newsletter! This content will help keep you apprised of the latest in our collaboration, inform you of product updates and industry news, and connect you with our broader Anaplan community and resources to stay at the top of your game. _________________________________________…
Splash Event Support is Now Live! (Bevy alternative)
Hi everyone, I'm pleased to announce that we are now able to help support and facilitate your user group events - whether in-person or virtual events, please submit the form below. Once we've confirmed receipt of all the necessary info (from the form submission) we'll create the splash registration page and post it in your…
Managing commenting controls and auditing survey - provide your feedback!
We are looking to better understand how you would like to manage commenting controls and auditing in Anaplan. Share your feedback through this survey: It should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete and the information you provide will inform the product development plans in this space, so please provide your honest…
PRODUCT UPDATE: Open & Edit UX Pages in the MX Released
What is changing? UX pages can be opened and edited as a tab within the modeling experience. On the Pages tab, when you select a page it'll now open within the model as a tab like how modules and lists are opened.What are the benefits? This new feature gives you everything you need in one interface to speed up solution…
Inscrivez-vous : « Formation Level 1 (Refresh) » et/ou formation Level 2 en E-learning/Coaching
Bonjour, Bienvenue sur notre nouvelle interface Community. En décembre 2022, j’ai eu le plaisir d’accompagner 5 personnes vers la 'level 2' dans ce nouveau mode E-learning / Coaching. Et nous avons déjà eu notre première personne certifiée 🥇 Level 2 – Bravo Anne-Sophie !!! 🎉 Ma résolution pour 2023 : "toujours vous…
March event being held in London
Hey everyone, looks like there is a mistake on the event and it is showing the location as York. This is NOT correct. The location is London and the address is: 338 Euston Road Floor 16 London NW1 3BT United Kingdom Sorry for the confusion. Paul
Powering transformative financial and project planning at Vena Energy
As a renewable energy developer experiencing rapid growth in the Asia-Pacific region, Vena Energy needed a platform that enabled it to consolidate hundreds of business entities and build annual budgets more efficiently. Using Anaplan, the company’s processes were transformed: monthly consolidations are complete in days,…
PLAN Ahead: March 2023 Community Newsletter
There's a lot happening in the Anaplan Community, and it’s easy to miss new articles or the opportunity to share your perspective and help a peer. Take a look at what’s been going on lately in our brand new Newsletter here
ウェビナー:Anaplan 製品デモ ウェビナー:コネクテッド サプライチェーン計画
開催日時:2023年3月29日 3pm~ 場所:オンライン(https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_h3EX8PwIQvKrcPZ_pHFfwg) 財務計画と業務計画を連携させ、より迅速で確実な全社的意思決定を支援する「コネクテッド プランニング」を2016年より日本市場において提唱して以来、Anaplanの採用は国内において大手企業を中心に200社を超えました。このたび、Anaplanの提供する包括的サプライチェーン計画をご紹介する、製品デモンストレーションに特化したオンラインセミナーを開催します。…
ウェビナー:Anaplanで実現する戦略的IT投資 - IT予算/支出の計画と管理の実践
開催日時:2023年3月23日 3PM 場所:オンライン(https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_a_Kd9QORS_qmkvGsAPxQwQ) 昨今、SaaS、AI等の新しいテクノロジーやアプリケーションの増加により、企業におけるIT関連予算の策定や支出管理は、益々複雑さを増しています。また、TCO削減のためオンプレミスからクラウド環境への移行が益々進んでいる反面、ライセンス費用や運用保守など直接的なIT支出のみならず、関連する開発プロジェクトや社内リソース等まで含めた、包括的なコストや導入効果の可視化は一方で容易ではありません。…
Developing better energy outcomes through ESG
The path to zero emissions Every organization that has an emissions-reducing initiative benefits from improved environmental responsibility. Although the consequences of not taking proactive steps to reduce emissions are clear, without a guiding light, the path forward may seem complex. ESG encompasses much more.…
Change management tips for redesigning processes in Anaplan
As an organization embarks on its Anaplan journey there may be a lot of questions from the business on what Anaplan is, and what the final product will look like. User reactions to process change can be varied, ranging from uncertainty to resistance to eagerness. It is important for a project leader or solution architect…
Deloitte: 2023 energy, resources, and industrials industry outlooks
A Sneak Peek of Deloitte's Industry Outlook: The dislocation of 2022 has fostered innovation for 2023 2022 was marked by vicissitudes that have altered expectations and redefined familiar metrics. The question facing companies as we look ahead to 2023 is how to continue, for yet another year, to plan for the unplanned.…
Let's connect!
Hi everyone, I'd love to connect with everyone here. I'm in the Bay Area and am working as a Anaplan consultant. We could just do monthly or biweekly Zoom to catch up and discuss Anaplan topics. And if interested, we could meetup in real life around the bay. Please respond if you're interested. Thanks, Deepak