REQUEST: if a Grid on a Board has a Form in it show the '+' symbol on the Grid.
REQUEST: Allow an Action button to be used for page navigation.
This would allow a Submit? button to become a Submitted button.
Instead of clicking on each one…
Similar to Duplicate in MR.
You would give it a primary LI and 1 or 2 secondary LIs. An example: Note: I mocked this up using a HighCharts Solid Gauge
Give the PB the ability to add a Data Write action to any Card through Configure Actions not just through an Action Card.
Or at least check marks that show up during the run so i can see what is running now vs already ran. And keep the process steps section open if it was open before hitting Run Process I have a process that runs slow sometimes. It would help to see which step in the process is the slowdown. And, maybe, run time by process?
Either* An indicator of the category of each Page in this view * The ability to select based on Category
It would be lovely if the order that Roles appear as we manage Access conforms to the order the roles are in the Roles list in the model. In this model Standard Demos is the final entry in the list. But here you can see that VP of Sales is coming afterwards. I noticed this as I was attempting to scan down the list of…
This will allow for the PB to set the order via drag-drop. Currently, if there are 4 Quick Links and the PB wants to add another one, but at the top of the list, they must delete the other Quick Links (losing any work on custom labeling), add the new Link, and then read all the other links (reapplying any custom labels).
Will let the PB spin up a Worksheet much faster. Will also allow them to test out a Board as a Worksheet to see which design works best for the specific planning case.
Right now each card still shows if it is an Action/Field/Text/etc…. when placed in the Additional Insights (in red). Those same Cards look so much nicer on a Board right now, as they don’t have this extra stuff up top (in green). I actually added a Title to one (Color Key) just so it doesn’t look like wasted space as much.…
So I could have a Number formatted List Property set for each list member. Then, when applying a CF to a Line Item formatted as the List I could select the List Property as the driver for the CF. This would avoid the need to host a LI that just translates a List selection to a number for CF purposes. from @eschera Same for…
When I want to Bulk Copy an existing version, currently I need to do two steps: 1/ Insert New Version 2/ Do the Bulk Copy In the first step, the system will create a new version that takes the maximum storage, as you are not asked to specify the switchover date prior to creating the new version. Therefore, due to storage…
Allow the Page Builder to add a custom Warning message on a button that has been colored Negative . When the PB colors a button Red they could add a message that says something like “This action will REMOVE all Selected Accounts. Are you sure?” and offer a “Y/N” or “OK/Cancel” options. Perhaps this “warning” modal could…
This Line Item has a DCA that means Read/Write is False. But you can see the “mm/dd/yyyy” prompt in it still. I would want it to be blank per the DCA.
It would be lovely if the icon were to show an indication that it has a Filter applied while in on a Worksheet.
Ability to turn On/Off the option to Edit for Fields on a field Card. To avoid needing to DCA or reference by formula.
For Write Data action. If the Line Item is a Boolean it would be nice to be able to write “Opposite” instead of only True/False.
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