Limitted view on the UX Page

I wanted to ask about the limited view on UX Pages. 

I know that I need to configure a role to determine what an end user can see and what they cannot access.
However, my question is about a dropdown list view from which such a user selects pages. I would like him to have a view of only the ones he has access to.


Example: see the attached image, the end user only has access to the Detailed Demand Review, so he should only see that option to select, without Global Demand Assumptions


Please let me know if I can change this in Anaplan. 

Thank you!


  • @Dominika_Dudzinska 

    Right now there is no option to do so.

    I have already added an idea for the same some days ago, if you have same requirement, support it so that it comes into light for anaplan.

    Here is a link to the idea Hide UX pages




  • @Dominika_Dudzinska 

    You can easily copy page as duplicate into another app. With that you may create two separate apps based on the roles of the end users. This should solve the problem in the interim until Anaplan introduces a better way to allow page access within the same app.

    Hope this workaround works!

  • Hi,


    If I understand your query correctly you can do this via the page access settings:

    1. Go to the page

    2. Edit

    3. Select the cog icon next to "Exit Designer"



    4. Select Page Settings

    5. Restrict Access

    6. and Adjust which roles can see the page



    For Example, I have 3 roles in the model each with different access levels. This gives me 3 different views of the App:


    This also works on the drop-down:






  • Great, that's exactly what I wanted! Thank you @Ingilavicus