Cloudworks Integration not able to see API files

Hi Team,


Our client has decided to use webMethods for their Anaplan integration. When webMethods sends a file through the an Anaplan integration user, the file is set to private and we do not have the ability to change the file to admin or everyone through the API or on the integration user on Actions - Import Data Sources


Our initial design was to load the files through webMethods and then have cloudworks process the files, we have since learnt that an invisible cloudworks admin service user account is used to process the files. The issue is that the cloudworks user cannot see the integration files as they are set to private, meaning that the integration design will not work. So the solution now is to have the client do another call on the API to run a process in Anaplan to run the actions to update the lists and modules. I think cloudworks needs to have the ability to selected a specific user to run a process, or enable us to use the cloudworks invisible user for integration or have cloudworks be able to run the private files on the integration user.


The below is a screenshot of the same file but one is on my user and the other is on the API intergreation user.






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