Count the number of users using User list for every months.

Hi All, 

I would like to take a count of the users using the list Users  for every month.

I have a module with:
Row: Users List
Column: Time(Month)
Line item : Number(whose formula is 1)

I need to sum the number all all the users for a particular month for eg for Jan sum of users can be 74.

Best Answer

  • JaredDolich
    Answer ✓


    So transactions would look like this. Just add a counter (formula). Your transaction list should be parsed with FINDITEM. To expedite the example, I just used User 1, user 2, etc..


    The planning module will be months only. Then a line item 'DAT01 Active Users'.Counter[SUM: 'DAT01 Active Users'.Month Active]


  • @tinathom 

    I think I'm following your use case but might be off a bit. It seems you're trying to count the users that were actively training at a given month. Is that right? If so, I would suggest a slightly different approach to getting the counts you're looking for. We'll follow the DISCO methodology.

    1. For your DAT module make sure one of the columns identifies the user and the month they were active.
    2. Create a SYS module using months and a counter that equals "1"
    3. Create a Planning module, or in this case, an output/reporting module that uses months and Users.
    4. Create a line item that uses the SUM function on your counter in your month SYS module for each user.


  • Thank you for your reply but the list I used is Users list. I have to use Users list because it gets updated on its own when I provide access for a customer.Every month we take a count of how many customers got added into Anaplan model. So it would be helpful if I get a formula to do a sum. What I tried to do was module A.count[sum : Module B.time ] but I suppose this doesn't work for Users list since Users list has no top level.
    Please help.