Convert list item to time period
We make a weekly copy of the demand plan to be able to calculate bias and forecast accuracy with 2 weeks lag.
In a list we created versions :
The last Property "Reporting Week" is formatted as Time Period "Week"
The data is copied in a module with this list and the product list on the lowest level as dimensions :
How can I retrieve this data in a module with Week and Product List as dimension, data should be shown in the "Reporting Week" of the Versions list.
Best Answer
Step 1: Create a System module dimensioned by P6 and get an attribute of P4 in this module with function PARENT
Step 2: Create an Intermediary module dimensioned by Anaplan Native Time and P6 dimension (not P4). Use SUM function on Weekly version - Reporting Week list property.
Step 3: In your target module take the values from intermediary module and use LOOKUP function on SYS module P4 line.
Hope that helps
Miz Logix
It's unclear to me as to what is the ask here. Do you mean you have a target module which is dimensioned by Products and Native Time of Anaplan and the source has custom time or is the other way around.
Either way you will have to a create a relationship between these two and I think FINDITEM function can help you create this one. Once the relationship is established you can then ;use SUM or LOOKUP based on your needs.
Miz Logix
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Hi Misbah,
source module has native time in a list as dimension, target module custom time as dimension
the relationship has been established in the list "Weekly Versions"
I tried the lookup
with following error :
LOOKUP using DATE mapping Weekly Versions.Reporting Week is not valid in this case because 'DAT EXP. 04. Forecast Weekly Versions'.Basic forecast does not apply to Time0 -
source module :
target module :
List Weekly Versions
0 -
Thanx Misbah,
works fine now !